Culture can be a significant competitive advantage and it is not easily replicable. However, most organisations are not investing in culture at the level that will set them apart from their competitors. To build the case for investing in cultural improvement requires a thorough understanding of the cost of the current culture. The business case is strong in the areas of speed, accountability, rigour, collaboration and attractiveness to customers and employees, and it is in these areas that the link between culture and performance is most easily demonstrated. Carolyn Taylor’s (author of ‘Walking the talk’) definition of culture is the result of messages that are received about what is really valued - so, culture management is about message management. People align their behaviour to these messages in order to fit in. Changing a culture requires a systematic and planned change to these messages, whose sources are behaviours, symbols and systems - so that the desired culture can be created and sustained.
Some tips for changing the culture….
Culture is about messages received about what is important - change the messages and you change the culture.
Find out what people believe is really valued - not what it says in your values statement.
Build the business case for culture change specific to your organisation.
Problems with speed, rigour, accountability, silos and insensitivity to customers or employees are particularly suitable to a cultural solution.
Focus you efforts - pick one element of a great culture and use it to pull the rest along.
Build off your existing natural cultural strengths.
Spend most of your investment on changing mindsets - when these change, the rest will follow.
Don’t embark on this process unless you are confident you can get some of the top team to change how they think.